Peter is a Sophomore at Haverford College, studying Mathematics and East Asian Studies. He also studies Japanese at Haverford.  At Haverford College, he is the GCC board member (Global China Connection), managing communication and art designs. He and his high school friends have won the national grand prize in CTB national competition 2018 with career education projects for K-12 students in China with a strong interest in business. He also worked as an art and English teacher in Jinxing Primary in Xichang for four years, a village school with Chinese ethnic minorities. He organized philanthropic summer camps for those children in his hometown Chengdu to study history and science. He also has a great passion for art and curation. As a national gold and silver medalist in the National Scholastic Art and Writing Competition, his works were toured nationally and displayed in Bruce Museum in Connecticut. 

As an international student from China, he believes that constructive communications between Chinese and American students are critical to the betterment of future US-China relationships. He joins UCBRC with a passion for serving as a cultural liaison that helps two countries view each other without prejudice and become friends again.

邓煜恒来自四川成都,现攻读美国哈弗福德学院大二的他打算进修数学与东亚研究专业。在哈弗福德学院,他参与了中国世界连接GCC,致力于促进中美学生之间文化的交流。对热衷于商业与艺术设计的他于2018年和同学一起设计了关于K-12青少年职业教育网站等项目并摘的同年China Think Big全国特等奖的殊荣。他曾在西昌山区利用四年的暑假时间给山区金新小学的孩子们带来美术,科学等夏日兴趣班。并在成都组织4日科学历史夏令营让孩子学习课本意外的知识。同时对艺术热爱的他在美留学期间获得过两次Scholastic Art and Writing的国家金牌与银牌,其作品曾在美国康州布鲁斯博物馆与美国各州展览。
