Born and raised in Beijing, Lochlan Liyuan Zhang is part of the newly selected cohort of the Dual Degree Programme between Columbia University and Trinity College Dublin, where he will be conferred two Bachelor of Arts degrees. At Trinity, he is studying History with a language specialization of Latin. At Columbia, he is planning to study History with a concentration in Economics on the pre-law track. His academic interests include historical and legal studies, as well as pragmatic domains including policy and management analysis. He speaks Mandarin Chinese and English fluently.

 Lochlan joined The Institute of Internet & Just Society as a Legal Researcher, where he studied the legal practices of digital colonialism and digital human rights. He was the China Delegate of the Harvard University Project of Asians and International Relations. At the Better Relations Coalition, he is committed to contribute to the effort of fostering better Sino-American relations.



 力元在高中毕业后加入The Institute of Internet & Just Society并担任法律研究员,研究专题包括数字殖民主义和数字人权。他曾是哈佛大学亚洲与国际关系项目的中国代表。在UCBRC,他致力于促进更好的中美合作关系。