Jackson is a senior from Richmond, Virginia, USA concentrating in Applied Mathematics at Brown University. He served as the President of the 2020 Brown China Summit, and authored a chapter on Sino-American technology competition in Modern China: Financial Cooperation for Solving Sustainability Challenges. He travelled to China in summer 2015 and taught English at Qiaoqi Primary School in Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China.

He founded the US-China Better Relations Coalition because he wants to provide connections and resources for students engaging with China and America. He also has a lot to learn himself.

Jackson来自弗吉尼亚州的里士满,目前就读于布朗大学,大四,主修应用数学。他曾担任2020年布朗中国峰会的主席,曾参与撰写《Modern China: Financial Cooperation for Solving Sustainability Challenges》中美科技竞争章节。2015年夏天,Jackson曾去到中国江苏省江阴市的一所小学教授英文。
